Kyoto  University Graduate School of Informatics
Taniguchi Laboratory

This website is a temporary homepage for Taniguchi Laboratory (Kyoto  University Graduate School of Informatics) until the official website is completed. (It was created primarily for providing information to fourth-year students assigned in April 2024.)

Aiming for AI and robots that can understand and act on the meaning of words in the real world

Humans adapt and behave intelligently using their bodies in real-world environments. Language and conversations based on it are intellectual functions that we, as a society, have acquired through evolution and development. Our field conducts a wide range of research, from theoretical computational experiments and simulations to studies using actual robots, focusing on the emergence of language and symbols based on real-world cognition as the core of intelligence. Our research topics include symbol emergence robotics, communication emergence, multimodal language understanding, cognitive architecture, and systems that include humans, all aimed at creating AI and robots that can coexist with humans.

2024/04/03 Materials related to laboratory introduction for B4 students

Research Topics 

Keywords: Symbol Emergence Robotics, Communication Emergence, Multimodal Language Understanding, Cognitive Architecture, Systems Including Humans

Probabilistic Generative Models, Multimodal Information Processing, Language Acquisition and Processing, Concept Formation, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Developmental Robotics, World Models, Free Energy Principle, Predictive Learning, Language Emergence, Distributed Bayesian Inference, Multi-Agent Systems, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, Robot Learning, Mechanism Design in Communication Fields, AI and Philosophy, Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness Studies, and more. 

Human-AI Coexistent Symbol Emergence Systems: 

Intelligent Robotics Based on World Models and the Free Energy Principle: 

Robotics Based on Multimodal Language Understanding: 

Constructivism of Language Emergence and Understanding and Utilization of Large Language Models: 


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Featured Videos (in Japanese) 📹️

NLP2023 Invited Talk

"Symbol Emergence as Distributed Bayesian Inference in Society: A View of Language as Collective Predictive Coding" by Dr. Tadao Taniguchi (Ritsumeikan University), March 15, 2023, Okinawa Convention Center.

Service Robotics

A Spacial Concept Model for Coordination of Semi-Autonomous Service Robots

Science of Symbol Emergence System

Aim to establish "Science of Symbol Emergence System" as a new academic field by integratively researching the development of real-world artificial intelligence and the design of next-generation symbiotic environments.